ROMEO AND JULIET, our common SER play

One of the most enjoyable activities in our project was our school version of "Romeo and Juliet". Theatre is so much rooted in our identity. At first we thought of a classical research on the typical plays in our countries. No doubt it is part of everybody´s curriculum but students used the label "too academic" and we all decided we could share a play we could all regard as our own. "Romeo and Juliet" as seen by students of all schools was our final choice. Each school would perform an act (we were lucky, five acts for our five schools. Shakespeare thought of us when he wrote it, didn´t he?) in their local language. The setting would be the school or surroundings. We all watched the final act in our trip to Ireland performed in the original version. The castle in the picture could be the Capulets´ home but, in fact, it is Garron Tower School, our irish partners. We thouroughly enjoyed it and if you surf into all our blogs you can see the whole play in our SER Project adaptation. Even if you can´t understand our different languages, you can feel the power of feelings and working together.

Act 1: Basque Country; Act 2: Lithuania; Act 3: Portugal; Act 4: Cyprus; Act 5: Northern Ireland